Bloom where you are planted
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15–16)
It’s hard to believe that if Peter and Gloria Wu came to NewLife this Sunday, many of our regulars would welcome them as if they were first-time visitors. In reality, Peter and Gloria’s first Sunday at NewLife was the second Sunday of our church’s existence, way back in 1992. And they were more than just faithful members – Gloria was an instrumental leader in women’s and children’s ministry and a devoted prayer warrior, and Peter served as the church treasurer for many years. But along with increased age comes health challenges, and unfortunately, they have been unable to attend NewLife on Sundays for a couple of years now (thank you to the AV team for making sure the service is livestreamed!).
Nevertheless, true servants of Jesus Christ don’t retire; they just bloom in whatever new garden the Lord has planted them. In the retirement community in which they now reside, Gloria began a Friday Bible study open to all the residents, much in the same manner as the Wednesday women’s Bible study that she used to lead before passing the baton to Lynn Goracy. In the beginning, the group was a real test of Gloria’s perseverance and faith, as only a couple people came regularly. But over time, the group has grown, and although the participants come from varying levels of spiritual maturity, Gloria has been faithful every week to share the love of God with them.
A couple of weeks ago, we received a check at NewLife from one of those group participants. Along with the check was a note from Gloria. She told me that the man who sent the check had been brought up in a semi-“Christian” home, but not one that was serious about the faith. After college, his main goal in life was to make a lot of money. He had a good job on Wall Street and pursued investing, giving no thought to religion or God. When he moved into the Wus’ retirement home, he heard about the Bible study and asked Gloria what it was like and whether he could join, even though he knew next to nothing about Jesus. He told Gloria that he wanted to learn more about Jesus and about the Bible. Gloria was able to give him a Bible that she had stored away for years, and he was so grateful for it that Gloria said she almost cried.
It has been a year since the gentleman starting coming to the Bible study, and he has ben one of the most faithful participants. On Christmas Day, he came to the Wus’ apartment to ask about their church, saying that he wanted to make a donation. He said that he felt that he owed his gratitude to the Christians and church that are making such a difference in his life. This gentleman may be in the twilight of his life, but God is very much at work. Pray that he would come to a true saving faith in Jesus, and pray that God would continue to use Peter and Gloria – and all of us – as witnesses to His gospel, no matter our age or location.
It’s hard to believe that if Peter and Gloria Wu came to NewLife this Sunday, many of our regulars would welcome them as if they were first-time visitors. In reality, Peter and Gloria’s first Sunday at NewLife was the second Sunday of our church’s existence, way back in 1992. And they were more than just faithful members – Gloria was an instrumental leader in women’s and children’s ministry and a devoted prayer warrior, and Peter served as the church treasurer for many years. But along with increased age comes health challenges, and unfortunately, they have been unable to attend NewLife on Sundays for a couple of years now (thank you to the AV team for making sure the service is livestreamed!).
Nevertheless, true servants of Jesus Christ don’t retire; they just bloom in whatever new garden the Lord has planted them. In the retirement community in which they now reside, Gloria began a Friday Bible study open to all the residents, much in the same manner as the Wednesday women’s Bible study that she used to lead before passing the baton to Lynn Goracy. In the beginning, the group was a real test of Gloria’s perseverance and faith, as only a couple people came regularly. But over time, the group has grown, and although the participants come from varying levels of spiritual maturity, Gloria has been faithful every week to share the love of God with them.
A couple of weeks ago, we received a check at NewLife from one of those group participants. Along with the check was a note from Gloria. She told me that the man who sent the check had been brought up in a semi-“Christian” home, but not one that was serious about the faith. After college, his main goal in life was to make a lot of money. He had a good job on Wall Street and pursued investing, giving no thought to religion or God. When he moved into the Wus’ retirement home, he heard about the Bible study and asked Gloria what it was like and whether he could join, even though he knew next to nothing about Jesus. He told Gloria that he wanted to learn more about Jesus and about the Bible. Gloria was able to give him a Bible that she had stored away for years, and he was so grateful for it that Gloria said she almost cried.
It has been a year since the gentleman starting coming to the Bible study, and he has ben one of the most faithful participants. On Christmas Day, he came to the Wus’ apartment to ask about their church, saying that he wanted to make a donation. He said that he felt that he owed his gratitude to the Christians and church that are making such a difference in his life. This gentleman may be in the twilight of his life, but God is very much at work. Pray that he would come to a true saving faith in Jesus, and pray that God would continue to use Peter and Gloria – and all of us – as witnesses to His gospel, no matter our age or location.
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