Lord, you are more satisfying than chocolate
Today's Pulse article is adapted from the March 1st, 2022 Pulse.
"I have food to eat that you know nothing about... my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." (John 4:32,34)
I still remember one of the lessons I taught to the NewLife Junior High kids way back when I was the youth pastor of the church. I played for them one of the simplest worship songs, and then encouraged them to change the words to make it more true to their heart and experience. The original song goes like this:
Lord, you are more precious than silver
Lord, you are more costly than gold
Lord, you are more beautiful than diamonds
And nothing I desire compares with you
Once the lyrics were changed, they sounded something like this:
Lord, you are more satisfying than chocolate
Lord, you are more awesome than N'Sync
Lord, you are more powerful than Batman
And nothing I desire compares with you
The results may have been comical at the time, but the heart of the lesson is very much the heart of discipleship. This world is full of things that promise to satisfy us, to comfort us, to give our lives purpose and excitement. Think about it: when you are anxious, where do you turn? Food? Mindless scrolling? Sleep? Pornography? When you are craving excitement and stimulation, what do you run to? Drugs? Illicit relationships? Risky behavior? When you are sad, where do you give your attention? Alcohol? Netflix? Fond memories of the past?
The heart of discipleship is recognizing that whatever our hearts are craving or searching for, the true answer is found in God. As some have said, there is a God-shaped hole inside all of us, and nothing in this world can fill it. Or, as Augustine put it, "You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you."
Pay attention to where you turn when you are experiencing anxiety, sadness, craving, or other desires. What is it you believe those things will give you? What would it look like to turn to God instead, to declare to Him something like this:
Lord, you calm my anxiety more than ice cream
Lord, you lift me out of sadness better than alcohol
Lord, you fulfill my longings more than any other person could
And nothing I desire compares with you
"I have food to eat that you know nothing about... my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." (John 4:32,34)
I still remember one of the lessons I taught to the NewLife Junior High kids way back when I was the youth pastor of the church. I played for them one of the simplest worship songs, and then encouraged them to change the words to make it more true to their heart and experience. The original song goes like this:
Lord, you are more precious than silver
Lord, you are more costly than gold
Lord, you are more beautiful than diamonds
And nothing I desire compares with you
Once the lyrics were changed, they sounded something like this:
Lord, you are more satisfying than chocolate
Lord, you are more awesome than N'Sync
Lord, you are more powerful than Batman
And nothing I desire compares with you
The results may have been comical at the time, but the heart of the lesson is very much the heart of discipleship. This world is full of things that promise to satisfy us, to comfort us, to give our lives purpose and excitement. Think about it: when you are anxious, where do you turn? Food? Mindless scrolling? Sleep? Pornography? When you are craving excitement and stimulation, what do you run to? Drugs? Illicit relationships? Risky behavior? When you are sad, where do you give your attention? Alcohol? Netflix? Fond memories of the past?
The heart of discipleship is recognizing that whatever our hearts are craving or searching for, the true answer is found in God. As some have said, there is a God-shaped hole inside all of us, and nothing in this world can fill it. Or, as Augustine put it, "You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you."
Pay attention to where you turn when you are experiencing anxiety, sadness, craving, or other desires. What is it you believe those things will give you? What would it look like to turn to God instead, to declare to Him something like this:
Lord, you calm my anxiety more than ice cream
Lord, you lift me out of sadness better than alcohol
Lord, you fulfill my longings more than any other person could
And nothing I desire compares with you
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