Guest blogger: Carrie Campbell
Today’s post is written by Carrie Campbell.
“Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: ‘To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!’” (Revelation 5:13)
I don’t remember where I heard it, but I will always remember how awestruck I felt when I first heard that music is one of the very few things we have in this life that will not pass away. In Revelation, all of God’s creation is worshipping Him, and I have since often imagined myself joining in the chorus of voices singing praises to our Lord. Though we can only imagine what that will look and sound like in heaven, I do believe that God gives us a small glimpse of this through the music we have here on earth. Music is eternal. This realization confirms the countless experiences I’ve had as music gave melody, lyrics, and rhythms to the highs and lows of my life over the years.
While I have countless memories from all different types of music, the ones that remain most dear to me are those that I have connected with in terms of my walk with Christ. It began with blasting Michael W. Smith’s “Place in this World” louder than my mom cared to listen to. As a teenager, I remember the numerous runs I took to my favorite secluded spot listening to my Walkman playing “In the Light” by D.C Talk from the mixed tape Eric gave to the youth group kids one Christmas. (Who would have thought technology would produce something better than listening to mixed tapes on your Walkman?!) This time connected me to God and gave me confidence in who I was in Him as I went through those awkward teen years.
Music continued to play an important role during my college years when my relationship with God was challenged and deepened. I recall how Selah’s “Draw Me Lord” didn’t spark much interest in me when an unofficial mentor in my life first suggested I listen to it. However, over the hours of conversations we had with pointed questions and me pushing to understand more, I realize that this was the very process He was bringing me through. My prayer to Him was “draw me, Lord”, and He did just that. Then there are the countless hours of playing simple chords on my parents’ piano to every Integrity Hosanna! sheet music I could find. These experiences provided the foundation of being still, quieting my analytic thoughts, and just being with the Lord.
There are many songs that have stuck with me through the years and I continue to go back to, time after time. Many of them are the hymns that I grew up with and continue to love. I’ve often returned to Jennifer Knapp’s lyrics: “I’m weak, I’m poor, I’m broken, Lord, but I’m yours” from her song “Hold Me Now”. The slow, simple melody of Third Day’s “Your Love Endures” always stills my soul and prepares my heart to worship. Whether in a time of struggling or peace, these songs have become my prayers over and over again, when I didn’t have the words, desire, or strength to produce my own. Music has certainly been a gift from God in my life, and it continues to be a path to meet with Him, to remind myself who He is, and who I am in Him.
“Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: ‘To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!’” (Revelation 5:13)
I don’t remember where I heard it, but I will always remember how awestruck I felt when I first heard that music is one of the very few things we have in this life that will not pass away. In Revelation, all of God’s creation is worshipping Him, and I have since often imagined myself joining in the chorus of voices singing praises to our Lord. Though we can only imagine what that will look and sound like in heaven, I do believe that God gives us a small glimpse of this through the music we have here on earth. Music is eternal. This realization confirms the countless experiences I’ve had as music gave melody, lyrics, and rhythms to the highs and lows of my life over the years.
While I have countless memories from all different types of music, the ones that remain most dear to me are those that I have connected with in terms of my walk with Christ. It began with blasting Michael W. Smith’s “Place in this World” louder than my mom cared to listen to. As a teenager, I remember the numerous runs I took to my favorite secluded spot listening to my Walkman playing “In the Light” by D.C Talk from the mixed tape Eric gave to the youth group kids one Christmas. (Who would have thought technology would produce something better than listening to mixed tapes on your Walkman?!) This time connected me to God and gave me confidence in who I was in Him as I went through those awkward teen years.
Music continued to play an important role during my college years when my relationship with God was challenged and deepened. I recall how Selah’s “Draw Me Lord” didn’t spark much interest in me when an unofficial mentor in my life first suggested I listen to it. However, over the hours of conversations we had with pointed questions and me pushing to understand more, I realize that this was the very process He was bringing me through. My prayer to Him was “draw me, Lord”, and He did just that. Then there are the countless hours of playing simple chords on my parents’ piano to every Integrity Hosanna! sheet music I could find. These experiences provided the foundation of being still, quieting my analytic thoughts, and just being with the Lord.
There are many songs that have stuck with me through the years and I continue to go back to, time after time. Many of them are the hymns that I grew up with and continue to love. I’ve often returned to Jennifer Knapp’s lyrics: “I’m weak, I’m poor, I’m broken, Lord, but I’m yours” from her song “Hold Me Now”. The slow, simple melody of Third Day’s “Your Love Endures” always stills my soul and prepares my heart to worship. Whether in a time of struggling or peace, these songs have become my prayers over and over again, when I didn’t have the words, desire, or strength to produce my own. Music has certainly been a gift from God in my life, and it continues to be a path to meet with Him, to remind myself who He is, and who I am in Him.
Posted in Worship
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