God is big enough to handle it
“‘If you can?’ said Jesus. ‘Everything is possible for him who believes.’ Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’” (Mark 9:23-24)
God is big. That may sound obvious, but I feel the need today to remind you of just how big God is:
1) God is big enough to handle your doubts
You may be blown away by God’s grace that saved you from your sins, and yet still unsure how a loving God could let others go to Hell, especially someone who may have never heard the name of Jesus. You may have doubts about the inspiration or authenticity of parts of the Bible. You may not always believe that God’s ways are better for you than the plan you have for your own life. You may doubt and question so much that you wonder how you can even call yourself a Christian. Take heart. Remember the father in Mark 9:24 who cried out to Jesus, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”, and keep bringing your doubts to God. God is big enough to handle your doubts.
2) God is big enough to handle your emotions
Maybe you get REALLY angry. Like screaming and cursing mad. Maybe you hate God some times for what He has allowed in your life, or for how He does not seem to answer the cries of your heart. Maybe sometimes you get really depressed, not wanting to live, and then feel like you are a poor excuse for a Christian because, after all, shouldn’t you be filled with joy and peace? Take heart. Remember that even saints like Elijah and Paul knew the depths of despair (see 1 Kings 19:3-4 and 2 Corinthians 1:8-9), and that God honored Job as a righteous man despite his emotional outbursts towards Him (Job 42:7-8). God is big enough to handle your emotions.
3) God is big enough to handle your mistakes
Perhaps when you look back on your life, you can not believe the poor decisions you have made, the life-altering mistakes you have experienced. You see the damage you have caused to others by what you have done, and it leaves you in agony. Maybe you beat yourself up regularly, refusing to believe that you can be forgiven, or that any good can ever come from those mistakes. Take heart. Jesus took your punishment on the cross, offering you forgiveness once and for all (Ephesians 1:7). There is no condemnation in Him (Romans 8:1), and God is able to work everything – even your mistakes – for good for you (Romans 8:28). God is big enough to handle your mistakes.
There are many people in our lives, even in the church, who can not handle our doubts, emotions, and mistakes. They may judge you, misunderstand you, or reject you. But God is not like them. He is big enough to handle – and love, AND save – all of you.
God is big. That may sound obvious, but I feel the need today to remind you of just how big God is:
1) God is big enough to handle your doubts
You may be blown away by God’s grace that saved you from your sins, and yet still unsure how a loving God could let others go to Hell, especially someone who may have never heard the name of Jesus. You may have doubts about the inspiration or authenticity of parts of the Bible. You may not always believe that God’s ways are better for you than the plan you have for your own life. You may doubt and question so much that you wonder how you can even call yourself a Christian. Take heart. Remember the father in Mark 9:24 who cried out to Jesus, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”, and keep bringing your doubts to God. God is big enough to handle your doubts.
2) God is big enough to handle your emotions
Maybe you get REALLY angry. Like screaming and cursing mad. Maybe you hate God some times for what He has allowed in your life, or for how He does not seem to answer the cries of your heart. Maybe sometimes you get really depressed, not wanting to live, and then feel like you are a poor excuse for a Christian because, after all, shouldn’t you be filled with joy and peace? Take heart. Remember that even saints like Elijah and Paul knew the depths of despair (see 1 Kings 19:3-4 and 2 Corinthians 1:8-9), and that God honored Job as a righteous man despite his emotional outbursts towards Him (Job 42:7-8). God is big enough to handle your emotions.
3) God is big enough to handle your mistakes
Perhaps when you look back on your life, you can not believe the poor decisions you have made, the life-altering mistakes you have experienced. You see the damage you have caused to others by what you have done, and it leaves you in agony. Maybe you beat yourself up regularly, refusing to believe that you can be forgiven, or that any good can ever come from those mistakes. Take heart. Jesus took your punishment on the cross, offering you forgiveness once and for all (Ephesians 1:7). There is no condemnation in Him (Romans 8:1), and God is able to work everything – even your mistakes – for good for you (Romans 8:28). God is big enough to handle your mistakes.
There are many people in our lives, even in the church, who can not handle our doubts, emotions, and mistakes. They may judge you, misunderstand you, or reject you. But God is not like them. He is big enough to handle – and love, AND save – all of you.
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