Had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.” (Romans 8:28-29)
This past Friday, many of us spent time in solitude at the Center for Retreat and Renewal in Simsbury, reflecting upon Jesus’ death for us and taking time to meet with God. As is often the case when I spend time there, I became overwhelmed by God’s great grace and mercy towards me, that He continues to not treat me as my sins deserve. One song in particular kept coming to mind, a song called Lead of Love by the band Caedmon’s Call. Here are the lyrics:
Looking back at the road so far
The journey's left its share of scars
Mostly from leaving the narrow and straight
Looking back, it is clear to me that
A man is more than the sum of his deeds
And how you make good of this mess I've made
Is a profound mystery
Looking back, you know you had to bring me through
All that I was so afraid of
Though I questioned the sky, now I see why
Had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view
Looking back, I see the lead of love
Looking back, I can finally see
How failures bring humility
It brings me to my knees
Helps me see my need for thee
Looking back you know you had to bring me through
All that I was so afraid of
And though I questioned the sky, now I see why
Had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view
Looking back, I see the lead of love
This Thursday, I will be sitting through an ordination council, as a group of area pastors question me about my theology and approach to ministry in order to test my call to ministry. The fact that I will be going through this process after all I’ve been through the past ten years in ministry is, the reality that God has made good of all the mess I’ve made is, as the song declares, “a profound mystery.” And as the song says, “Looking back, I can finally see how failures bring humility. It brings me to my knees, helps me see my need for thee.”
God is sovereign, and He is good, and He works everything for good for those who love Him, in order to conform us to the image of His Son, Jesus. As you look back over your life, I hope that you can see His loving hand leading you to where He has you today. And if you are currently residing in a place of confusion and chaos, may that song, as well as Romans 8:28-29, encourage you to trust in our great God.
This past Friday, many of us spent time in solitude at the Center for Retreat and Renewal in Simsbury, reflecting upon Jesus’ death for us and taking time to meet with God. As is often the case when I spend time there, I became overwhelmed by God’s great grace and mercy towards me, that He continues to not treat me as my sins deserve. One song in particular kept coming to mind, a song called Lead of Love by the band Caedmon’s Call. Here are the lyrics:
Looking back at the road so far
The journey's left its share of scars
Mostly from leaving the narrow and straight
Looking back, it is clear to me that
A man is more than the sum of his deeds
And how you make good of this mess I've made
Is a profound mystery
Looking back, you know you had to bring me through
All that I was so afraid of
Though I questioned the sky, now I see why
Had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view
Looking back, I see the lead of love
Looking back, I can finally see
How failures bring humility
It brings me to my knees
Helps me see my need for thee
Looking back you know you had to bring me through
All that I was so afraid of
And though I questioned the sky, now I see why
Had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view
Looking back, I see the lead of love
This Thursday, I will be sitting through an ordination council, as a group of area pastors question me about my theology and approach to ministry in order to test my call to ministry. The fact that I will be going through this process after all I’ve been through the past ten years in ministry is, the reality that God has made good of all the mess I’ve made is, as the song declares, “a profound mystery.” And as the song says, “Looking back, I can finally see how failures bring humility. It brings me to my knees, helps me see my need for thee.”
God is sovereign, and He is good, and He works everything for good for those who love Him, in order to conform us to the image of His Son, Jesus. As you look back over your life, I hope that you can see His loving hand leading you to where He has you today. And if you are currently residing in a place of confusion and chaos, may that song, as well as Romans 8:28-29, encourage you to trust in our great God.
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