God has given each of us talents, passions, and experiences have that are to be used in service to Him and to others. We firmly believe that true life and significance is found in serving, in giving of yourself, and in living the purpose that God created especially for you. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:10 that "we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." We would love to help you find your purpose. To that end, we offer many opportunities to serve inside and outside our church, and are always open to new possibilities. Please fill out the form below or speak with an elder on a Sunday for more info on any of the following opportunities.
Service Opportunities:
Worship team
Children's Church teachers & assistants
Nursery workers
Community Group Leaders
Youth ministry
Care & Connect ministry
Meals for those in need
Prayer ministry & prayer chain
Sunday morning hospitality
Building maintenance & cleaning crew
Special event coordinators
Office help
Other – There is always room for new ideas!
Children's Church teachers & assistants
Nursery workers
Community Group Leaders
Youth ministry
Care & Connect ministry
Meals for those in need
Prayer ministry & prayer chain
Sunday morning hospitality
Building maintenance & cleaning crew
Special event coordinators
Office help
Other – There is always room for new ideas!